COVID-19 Policies
We’re beyond excited to welcome you back — and safely. We have supercharged our policies and protocols to provide an elevated standard of care in this time of COVID-19.
Facility Changes at Maitri Holistic Arts
Germ Guardian Air Purifiers with true HEPA filter and UV light have been added to each treatment room, including the reception area.
Time between services has been increased to at least 45-60 minutes.
We ask that you avoid bringing a guest with you if it’s at all possible.
Masks are no longer required, but we will wear ours if you prefer (and we will always wear one when in close proximity to your face).
Maitri Holistic Arts has separate treatment rooms for its services, which are all used by several different practitioners throughout the day. Each practitioner has their own unique requirements and procedures beyond the State requirements.
Disinfection/Sanitation Procedures
We’ll be using EPA Registered disinfectant Seventh Generation, as well as Benefect (EPA Registration 84683-1) which is on List N: Products with Emerging Viral Pathogens AND Human Coronavirus claims for use against SARS-CoV-2 and has a five minute contact time. Upon arrival at the office each day, I disinfect high-touch areas in the lobby and restroom, including doorknobs, light switches, and faucet and toilet handles.
Before and after each massage session, the following items in the massage room are disinfected: light switch, doorknobs, lotion/oil bottles, side table, massage table, face cradle, rolling stool, client chair, curtains, and anything else one of us may touch. The true HEPA filter with UV-C Light will be utilized before, during, and after sessions.
Laundry Management: We now have on-site laundry. Linens are washed with detergent as well as Lysol Laundry Disinfectant.
Practitioner Hygiene: My apron and oil holster (if I use one) will be changed after each session, and laundered with massage linens. My masks are cleaned regularly, or I wear a new, disposable mask. I’ll be following CDC Protocol for Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings, before and after each session (as always!), and many more times while I’m in the facility. My nails are kept very short, as is customary for massage.
Self-Monitoring: Each day I’ll be monitoring and recording my own temperature. If I have a fever or feel any symptoms of illness, I will cancel our appointment. I am fully vaccinated, since February 2021.
Modified Cancellation Policy: I am waiving the late cancellation policy if you find you have developed a fever or symptoms of illness, including at time of appointment. Please call to let me know if you feel unwell and I will cancel your appointment without charging a cancellation fee.
Scheduling Procedures
*If you’ve recently traveled outside the state or internationally, or attended a group gathering where social distancing/mask-wearing was not followed, indoors or outdoors, please wait 10-14 days to schedule. Some travel areas may require proof of a negative PCR test.*
After scheduling your session, you will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive an email and text message from me 24 hours before your appointment.
Arrival Procedure: Please arrive no more than about 5 minutes prior to your appointment, so that we can better manage traffic through the reception area. Please also make sure you have on your mask before entering. We’ll check your temperature with a no-touch thermometer, ask some pre-screening questions, and discuss updates for any needs for the session. We will both wash our hands or use hand sanitizer before walking back to the room.
Session Procedures: Masks will be worn during the entire session. We may also be wearing a face shield. The session will proceed as normal, with a few more hand sanitizer breaks and conversation limited to communication about the session. Facial massage will be not be performed until further notice. When the session ends, we will leave the room, as normal, and meet you up front for checkout.
Payment and Re-Booking: Debit or Credit card payments will be made using our POS payment system. Cash is also accepted.
In-Home Sessions: At this time, in-home or hospital sessions are not available.
Followup Call/Email: We will contact you a day after your session to ask how you’re feeling after your massage, but also to ask about your overall health. Please also call us if you start showing any apparent COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days after your appointment.
Action Plan for Possible Exposure
In the event that we suspect we may have been exposed to COVID-19, we will cancel all appointments with that practitioner and they will self-isolate until they can obtain testing and have been confirmed negative.
If a client calls to report that they have tested positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of their massage session, we will contact all clients from that period of time and self-isolate until we can obtain testing and be cleared of infection.
In the event that we test positive for COVID-19, we will inform all clients from the previous 10 days and self-isolate until we can be cleared of infection.
Individuals at High Risk for COVID-19
Older Adults – Among adults, the risk for severe illness from COVID-19 increases with age, with older adults at the highest risk. Severe illness means that the person with COVID-19 may require hospitalization, intensive care, or a ventilator to help them breathe, or they may even die.
People of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19: Chronic kidney disease, COPD, Weakened immune system due to organ transplant, Obesity (BMI of 30 or higher), Serious heart conditions, (cardiomyopathy, heart failure, coronary artery disease), Sickle cell disease, Type 2 diabetes.
People with the following conditions might be at an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19: Moderate to severe asthma; Cerebrovascular disease; Cystic fibrosis; High blood pressure; Weakened immune system due to blood or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteroids or other immune weakening medications; Neurologic conditions such as dementia; Pregnancy, Damaged or scarred lung tissue, Smoking; Type 1 Diabetes
You can read more about high risks associated with COVID-19 at the CDC’s coronavirus information site.
Questions to ask your Doctor
If you have any of the above conditions, please discuss the risks with your doctor:
- Is the risk of exposure to COVID-19 worth the benefits of massage?
- Are the risks due to a weakened immune system are low enough to be in close contact with a massage therapist for 60+ minutes (while both parties are wearing a mask)?
- Do you have clotting risks? Massage has the potential to disrupt embolisms, clots, and macrovascular clots through both the manual action of massage and the increase of circulation. There are also concerns about clotting issues related to having had COVID-19, even if you are not aware of having had it, or were not tested positive for it.
- Does increasing the flow of circulation impose any other risks?
- Does massage risk aggravating any inflammatory conditions you may have?
- Are you at an increased risk of bruising due to your condition or medication you may be on?
- Will wearing a mask for an extended period of time trigger an asthma attack or other breathing issues?
- Are the risks associated with any other health conditions you may be experiencing worth the benefits of massage?